Math Crypto
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Stake with us!

If you want to stake with us, we recommend to use the following two validators.

Polkdot: MathCrypto/1

Kusama: MathCrypto/3

See here for instructions on how to nominate. There is also a nice YouTube video.

Since inception, these Polkadot and Kusama validators had zero faults: no slashing, no chilling, no errors in the 1kv programme.
You can nominate more than one validator with your funds. The validators that get selected each round (called an era) are determined by a special election protocol (called Phragmén) that aims to get a fair and balanced allocation. So, even if you already staked your funds with another validator, you can still select our validator(s) in addition (up to a maximum of 16).

In addition, we have the following Kusama validators.

Kusama: MathCrypto/1 – beware: higher commission!

Kusama: MathCrypto/2 – beware: already independent!